Category: Uncategorized

The Case for Building New Union

By Tom Wetzel The British writer R. H. Tawney once described capitalist management of the workplace as “autocracy checked by insurgency.” And, indeed, a kind of insurgency takes place when workers band together to form unions. Worker unions are a key working class organization because of…

A glimpse of Anarchist-Communism in the 1930’s USA

A glimpse of Anarchist-Communism in the 1930’s USA by Mike Harris Reprint of article from Vanguard with footnotes An activity report from the anarchist publication the Vanguard in 1933. It gives a good insight into that time. Also includes extracts from their declaration of principles including…

Chinese anarchists in the U.S

Chinese anarchists in the U.S by Mike Harris In 2005, the Chinese anarchist Ba Jin (Pa Chin) died at age 101. Upon reading about his death, I recalled hearing bits and pieces about Chinese anarchists in the United States (mainly from the late Sam and Esther…

In the Spirit of the Kronstadt Rebellion

Short presentation at the Kronstadt as Revolutionary Utopia, 1921-2021 and Beyond, Panel: “The After-Lives of Kronstadt”  Greetings & Hello Thank you for having me It’s an honor to share this electronic stage with the other co-presenters. It’s been an excellent informative conference. In thinking about Kronstadt and…

On line conference: “Kronstadt as Revolutionary Utopia, 1921-2021 and Beyond”

March 20-21, 2021: A two-day online conference to commemorate the Kronstadt Commune of March 1921 We invite you to “Kronstadt as Revolutionary Utopia: 1921-2021 and Beyond,” a transnational convergence to remember history’s repressed revolutionary hopes and explore the “living past” struggle of capitalist authoritarianism vs. humanist…