Category: Uncategorized

Toronto hospitality workers reorganize

Apparently Toronto hospitality workers are  reorganizing under the banner of the (mainly Quebec based) CSN union. Over the past dozen years, Toronto hotel workers have engaged in a number of internal union struggles. In 2004 the Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA) reported on one such struggle in their newsletter…

“Bertrand Russell and the Socialism That Wasn’t”

“Bertrand Russell and the Socialism That Wasn’t” Comments by Tom Wetzel   This reference to “the socialism that wasn’t” is a reference to the way the socialist movement — in its various tendencies — conceived of socialism prior to World War 1. These tendencies are reviewed…

“Employment center and dehumanization of social relations” (CNT-AIT, France)

Machine translation of an article in  “Anarchosyndicalisme” n°175″ Employment center and dehumanization of social relations THE DEHUMANIZATION OF HUMAN RELATIONS PREPARES US FOR AN INHUMAN SOCIETY… The article below, written by a companion of the CNT-AIT describes how Pôle emploi is gradually dehumanizing all social relations, to…

Sudan 2022 : Lessons for Anarchism (CNT-AIT, France)

SUDAN 2022 : LESSONS FOR ANARCHISM  This analysis of the current insurrectional movement in Sudan by Sudanese anarchists, echoes another analysis that we wrote 20 years ago, following the uprising in Argentina. The multiplication of movements in the world which « shatter the old ideological molds by putting…

Practical solidarity needed with Vietnamese workers at the Shandong Linglong Tire Co in Serbia

Practical solidarity needed with Vietnamese workers at the Shandong Linglong Tire Co in Serbia In addition to the information the the below article, Vietnamese comrades of Mèo Mun inform us that “Solidarna kuhinja” (Solidarity kitchen – is providing direct on-the-ground solidarity to these workers. “Solidarna…

Against wage theft!

From restaurants to factories to hotels and construction sites, bosses have long tried to cheat workers of their paid labor.  Be the worker an immigrant,  born in the US,of any gender, a person of color or a young person just entering the workforce, bosses will find…

Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day!

Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day! Monday September 6, 2021 American’s celebrate the Labor Day holiday Let’s Make Every Day Labor Day! — No, we don’t mean let’s take every day off from work (although it sounds like a nice idea). Nor do we mean we…

The Case for Building New Union

By Tom Wetzel The British writer R. H. Tawney once described capitalist management of the workplace as “autocracy checked by insurgency.” And, indeed, a kind of insurgency takes place when workers band together to form unions. Worker unions are a key working class organization because of…