50 years ago on March 2, 1974: “Anarchists Should Never Forget: Salvador Puig Antich” “Salvador Puig Antich, anarchist and member of the M.I.L.(Iberian Liberation Movement) was murdered by the Spanish state: he was one of many. Below we publish a statement from the FAI and the…
“What would society be like under a syndicalist government?”
A Quora reader asked: “What would society be like under a syndicalist government?” Reply by Tom Wetzel Syndicalism isn’t a vision of socialism, it’s a strategy for how to build a working class movement that can liberate itself from the oppression and exploitation of the capitalist…
Solidarity requested:Spanish CNT-AIT continue struggle with IKEA subcontractor Foldelco
Solidarity requested: Spanish CNT-AIT continue their long running struggle with Spanish IKEA subcontractor Foldelco. US Comrades …… Stand up to workplace bullying at Spanish IKEA contractor, Foldelco. Our siblings in the Spanish National Confederation of Labor-International Workers Association (CNT-AIT) union have been supporting a member who…
‘The Death of Durruti’ from Spanish Revolution (United Libertarian Organizations New York). Vol. 1 No 7. December 9, 1936.
‘The Death of Durruti’ from Spanish Revolution (United Libertarian Organizations New York). Vol. 1 No 7. December 9, 1936. “Five hundred thousand people marched to the grave of Buenaventura Durruti. They did not goosestep in military-like formations as the drilled and robotized crowds of dictator-ridden countries…
“Workers Solidarity” – On the Line in the global Anarcho-syndicalist tradition
“Workers Solidarity” – On the Line in the global Anarcho-syndicalist tradition of engaging in solidarity and info sharing. Contact:syndicalistworkersATgmail.com Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069112459822
“Against Exploitation, Against Wage Theft!”
Against Exploitation, Against Wage Theft! From restaurants to factories to hotels and construction sites, bosses have long tried to cheat workers of their paid labor. in the US alone, it has been estimated that workers have been robbed for as much as $50 billion per year!…
“Anarchism & Marxism” by Daniel Guerin
An interesting g read. “Marx and Engels made use of this growth of prestige and power of an organisation which they then led, to plot the expulsion of the anarchists, those spoilsports, those declared enemies of the State, those opponents of electoral compromises of the kind…
A Review of “Means & Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States”
The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism
New: “Workers Solidarity – A Green Syndicalist Webzine”
The East Bay WSA Group has published a new webzine to promote green syndicalism — Workers Solidarity. “We do not intend this to be simply a publication of the East Bay WSA but an independent green syndicalist journal, with the idea of attracting a variety of…
IWA Columbia: “Against vulnerability in the food services sector”
IWA Columbia: Against vulnerability in the food services sector [ULET-AIT] CONTRA LA VULNERABILIDAD EN EL SECTOR DEL SERVICIOS DE COMIDAS [ULET-AIT] Working in a “black kitchen” restaurant, making deliveries and preparing food, is one of the alternatives that young people in Colombia find as a main…