Workers Solidarity – Introductory comments:
It is not enough, we think, to try to reform society. The boss-workers relationship, protected as it is by all of the governments and churches the world over, must be done away with. The capitalist system, in which one person works for another and the lives only to work in the framework, is full of contradictions and shortcomings.
The decision on what will be produced and distributed, on how housing and community problems will be solved and on how natural resources will be allocated must be made by the working class on a local level through democratic organizations controlled by the rank-and-file. Education must be available to all and must be combined with technical skills useful in the modern world.
Racial and sexual barriers must be abolished. In short, the working class must emancipate itself in totality. We think it can only do so by building democratic organizations in which all workers can participate and from which all workers will benefit. The center of these organizations must be the workplace and the community.
The tactics we think are most useful – are direct action, including the social and general strike and mass civil disobedience by working people in the struggle for both liberation and for necessary immediate gains.
Revolutionary unions, workers action committees and other forms of direct shopfloor organization must be created to fight for decentralized economic planning and workers and community self-management.
Anarchist-syndicalism is the sum total of these objectives and offers the means by which to obtain them.
General principles:
– Support for all independent rank and file labor struggles, both inside and outside of the existing labor movement.
– Support for independent unionist and workers initiatives, including unions based upon libertarian worker principles
grounded in shopfloor organizing, member control and direct action.
– Support for certain immediate gains by workers in the struggle for economic survival and social justice.
– For an intersectional movement that seeks to abolish all forms of oppressions and hierarchies.
– Socialization and collectivization of all the means of production and distribution by the working class. In other words, for a society run and controlled by those who produce the world’s wealth.
– For the use of direct action to abolish capitalism and the state.
– For working class internationalism and solidarity.
– For working class education in the principles and functions of anarcho-syndicalist economics, theory, mutual aid and self-organization.
– For the free development of individuals and the extension of freedom into every area of life.
If you’re interested in discussing more, contact Workers