Solidarity requested by the ULET AIT Oficial Unión Libertaria Estudiantil y del Trabajo comrades.
“In 2023, our colleague [Andrés González]was hired by the Corporación CMAN school in the city of Bogotá as a mathematics teacher. Since that moment, several irregularities have been occurring, such as delays in salary payments that could take up to 2 months, excessive workload taking on all mathematics and physics classes for all high school students, and persecution and work pressure on the part of the directives with offensive attitudes and comments such as: “if you don’t like the job you should resign” and scolding and demands during break time.”
ULET AIT Oficial Unión Libertaria Estudiantil y del Trabajo demands “…..that our colleague Andrés González be paid what he is owed for his work, including compensation for non-payment of salary!”
“We demand fair payment to the colleague for his work!”
The demand is that “Andrés gets paid what corresponds to the month of November 2023, the bonus, the settlement and due compensation for the delay in payment.”
ULET requests protest emails be sent to:
“Hello compas, if you help us press by sharing this image on the social networks of the school, who does not want to pay his salary to one of our colleagues who worked as a teacher and they owe him the last year’s settlement.
School networks

Hello compas, if you help us press by sharing this image on the social networks of the school, who does not want to pay his salary to one of our colleagues who worked as a teacher and they owe him the last year’s settlement.School