Machine translation of an article in “Anarchosyndicalisme” n°175″
Employment center and dehumanization of social relations

The article below, written by a companion of the CNT-AIT describes how Pôle emploi is gradually dehumanizing all social relations, to better make us accept the unacceptable of an ever more artificial and inhuman world. , In the proper sense of the term. This dehumanization begins today with the unemployed, the “toothless”, “people who are nothing” for power. But tomorrow, once everyone has gotten used to it, dehumanization will be generalized throughout society. We see the beginnings of it every day. Alas, terrible news received following the disappearance of a companion of the CNT-AIT and the way this “case” was handled by Pôle Emploi shows us that our fears are not just bad science fiction…
Soon the employment pole agencies will no longer receive postal mail indeed this one will be directly redirected to a private service provider to be scanned there and then redirected to the agency!!! A mailing to this private service provider will cost 7 euros per envelope.
This demonstrates the total dehumanization of relations. There will no longer be a ballot box to file paper documents. The user arriving at the reception will be obligatorily redirected to a computer.
Already agents of the company service refuse paper CVs.
Agents of the compensation service refuse paper ASS renewal requests as well as requests for compensation with the elements concerning them on paper All this on the grounds that everyone would have a suitable laptop to scan, download and then send the documents.
In 2021, ten million people appealed to humanitarian organizations for their food; will they also have to depend on the ladies patronesses for their relationship with Pole emploi?
A possible action is to send a plethora of mail by post in order to clog up the services and denounce this dehumanization.
Within the employment center agencies it is the problem more and more agents are making their colleagues bear the brunt of the mistreatment they suffer: for example, pressure to fulfill the objectives: number of telephone and non-physical interviews, number of mandatory stereotype emails. etc
Unemployed worker now is the time! The employment center institution belongs to us like everything that should be a public service, so let’s act.
Labor exchanges should replace this institution. We must already act so that we can act without the reformist unions, without the bosses.
EACH according to his means, to each according to his needs.
An angry employment center employee
Employment center and deceased unemployed.
Pôle emploi sends a letter to the deceased. After receiving the death notice. The approach of the institution is already remarkable, by the fact of writing to a deceased.
This letter tells him that Pôle emploi has taken into account the information by the deceased that he is no longer looking for work. And that, as a result, he ceases to be registered on the list of job seekers.
A shameful distortion of the facts.
This administration specifies that if the deceased “benefits” from the RSA, this decision is addressed to the President of the departmental council who may decide to interrupt the payment of this income.
The administration also specifies that the deceased retains access to the personal space
And that if the deceased is still looking for a job, he will have to re-register as a job seeker using the service.
This is where the politico-capitalist neo-dictatorship, AI, artificial intelligence, “digital acceleration” not to say “misunderstood digital runaway” is leading us into our virtualized lives.
Following the postal letter of dissatisfaction sent on January 6 to the management of the local Pôle emploi agency, the latter replied by post on January 19, expressing its condolences and presenting its apologies, in this painful moment. Following this human intervention, it proceeded with a rectification in accordance with the facts on the file.
Article of the newspaper “Anarchosyndicalisme” n°175,
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