Practical solidarity needed with Vietnamese workers at the Shandong Linglong Tire Co in Serbia
In addition to the information the the below article, Vietnamese comrades of Mèo Mun inform us that “Solidarna kuhinja” (Solidarity kitchen – https://solidarnakuhinja.org/solidarity-kitchen/) is providing direct on-the-ground solidarity to these workers.
“Solidarna kuhinja” have started a “Solidarnost sa vijetnamskim radnicima” (Solidarity with Vietnamese workers) fund.
Donations can be sent via PayPal or Serbian Dinar Account. Direct information can be found at bottom the page: https://solidarnakuhinja.org/solidarna-kuhinja-donacije/
Serbian Anarcho-syndicalists (Anarhosindikalistička inicijativa – ASI): +381 63 1165551 / info@inicijativa.org